Introduction to Bio-Spiritual Focusing January 28, 2025 ~ 9:30 am ~ 3:30 pm $45
Introduction to Bio-Spiritual Focusing. Bio-Spiritual Focusing is a gentle practice of body presence and contemplative awareness. It facilitates an experience of letting go in a loving and caring way. It invites a way of being with and present to whatever is real in one’s experience. Using bio-spiritual focusing, one learns to enter very special doorways into our bodies’ knowing; into unfinished places where we are called to grow in wholeness and holiness. This day will be conducted in a contemplative atmosphere, with presentations, small group work and practice exercises.
Presenter: Kathy A Donnelly, SU. Sr. Kathy has studied the Spiritual Exercises at the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, PA and Loyola House in Guelph, Ontario. Bio-Spiritual Focusing is one of her major areas of interest, connecting the wisdom of the body with the wisdom of the spirit. Kathleen offer spiritual direction supervision for spiritual directors.
Linwood Monthly Day of Prayer ~ Leaning Into The Heart of God February 12, 2025 ~ 9:00 am~ 2:00 pm $45
Presenter: Kathy Donnelly, SU a member of the Linwood Retreat Team. Sr. Kathy has studied the Spiritual Exercises at the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, PA and Loyola House in Guelph, Ontario. Bio-Spiritual Focusing is one of her major areas of interest, connecting the wisdom of the body with the wisdom of the spirit. Kathleen offer spiritual direction supervision for spiritual directors.
Evening of Celtic Prayer with Sr. Peggy Murphy, OP on ZOOM February 13, 2025 7:00 ~ 8:30pm $25
Linwood Monthly Day of Prayer - Ash Wednesday March 5, 2025 ~ 9:00 am ~ 2:00 pm $45
Join us as we enter into Lent. Liturgy and distribution of ashes included. Facilitated by Fr. Tom Scirghi SJ
Lenten Evening of Prayer ~ "Now I Begin Again" on ZOOMMarch 13, 2025 7:00 ~ 8:30 pm $25
"Each Lent we are invited to ‘begin again’ in our life’s journey, especially mindful of any need for healing, forgiveness, and transformation, flowing from the unconditional love of our merciful God. During our evening, we will engage in well-known spiritual practices/tools from the wisdom of St. Ignatius of Loyola, and reflect upon how the Holy Spirit assists us, as we increase our awareness of God’s loving presence and deepen in gratitude. We seek to ‘begin again’ in our spiritual journey of intimacy with God, others, and our earth home. Welcome to all! During our gathering and presentation, there will be opportunities for quiet reflection, imaginative prayer practice, journaling, and small group conversations."
Presented by: Virginia A. Blass, D. Min. Virginia Blass is an experienced and certified Spiritual Director, (certification from studies at Creighton University) preacher, retreat master, author, and teacher. Virginia has been engaged in ministry for over thirty years and offers spiritual direction, guided retreats, parish missions and programs, and consultation. Many of her programs are also offered via zoom. She was also a Special Education teacher for many years. Virginia has engaged in ministerial collaboration with both the Passionists of the St. Paul of the Cross Province and with the Jesuits of the Tri-Province for many years.
Linwood Monthly Day of Prayer ~ Spiritual Journaling Trusting God during Difficult Circumstances April 9, 2025 9:00 am ~ 2:00 pm $45
Some of our times are harder than others. Whether its the loss of a loved one, health issues, financial worries or even positive changes like starting a new relationship, the "not knowing" can be challenging. Poet Rainer Maria Rilke in his famous volume “Letters to a Young Poet” encourages the young poet to “live the questions now.” On this day we will explore how a practice of Spiritual Journaling—writing regularly to the God of our understanding and listening for the replies by re-reading our journals—can help us to trust God and fully live, even as we question.
Facilitator: Anne Samson. Anne Samson leads classes on Journaling as a Spiritual Practice in the Albany, NY area, and is the author of Journaling as a Spiritual Practice and Abba House & Me: Prayer Changes Everything. She is also a freelance magazine writer, publishing on a variety of topics. Anne is an Energy Healer and has practiced 12 Step Recovery for over 30 years.
Linwood Monthly Day of Prayer Poetry a Doorway to Prayer April 9, 2025 9:00 am ~ 2:00 pm $45 Join us for a day of prayer as Alice and Regina open the door to another way of praying through poetry. Led by Alice Feeley, RDC & Regina Bechtle, SC