Linwood Monthly Day of Prayer ~ Praying the Gospel of Mark
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
9:00 - 2:00
This day of retreat and prayer will focus on the Jesus we see and read about in the Gospel of Mark. There will be time for reading, personal reflection, as well as time for sharing together the Jesus we encounter in Mark's Gospel. Please bring your own Bible.
Presented by Elizabeth Anne DiPippo,SU. After teaching for many years and serving in community administration, she received certificates in Spiritual Direction from the Archdiocesan Program as well as Mariandale/Linwood Program for Spiritual Direction in a retreat context. Elizabeth Anne has studied Ignatian Spirituality in Rome and at the JesuitCenter in Wernersville, PA. She has a Spiritual Direction practice in New Paltz, NY and at Linwood, as well as presenting spiritual programs in her parish, and at Linwood. Her main interest is women’s spirituality.