Deeper Listening in Spiritual Direction. How to deepen and enrich this necessary skill.
As spiritual directors, we listen for the “inside story” of the directee and their encounter with God. We simultaneously listen to our story as it is unfolding in real time – it’s the practice of listening in stereo. How can we better honor and be attentive to the directee’s story and their lived experience with God?
The goal of spiritual direction is enlightenment, spiritual communion with God, and greater freedom. The practice of spiritual direction concentrates on the relationship between the seeker and God. While the relationship between the seeker and God is primary. Two other relationships must be strong if the process is to be truly effective. The director must first have a deep relationship with God, and second, there must be a viable and secure spiritual friendship between director and seeker. Only if these three relationships are strong, can spiritual direction proceed effectively.
Sr. Chris Partisano, CSJ has ministered in spiritual direction and group facilitation for many years. She teaches at Holy Ground in the diocese of Albany.
This professional day is supported by a generous grant from the Linwood spiritual Center Spiritual Direction Training Program.